This is not entertainment. This is art.

Expressing myself with the help of the modular system seems the only way I can truly tell what’s on my mind. Most of my works are conceptual ones, meaning I have to work out specific rules and limitations as well as technical connections to selected tools (so called patches) before I can start to put them into practice. Working with a computer is easy. You have unlimited tracks to record on, you can duplicate your instruments and effects as many times you wish. But there is a huge problem with it: it sounds dead.

Analog machines are chunky, expensive and tend to have quirks every here and there, which makes them unique and wonderfully unpredictable in certain situations. It’s just like working with humans. You can tell them what you want, but most of the time they do something different. That’s what deeply drives me: working out concepts that have a clear purpose while at the same time leaving space for events that may (or may not) happen only once – that are so precious, because they cannot be repeated and are only present to a person with an open eye (or ear).

Discover the LIN/LOG archive of handcrafted works.

by any means