Work never ends. Inspiration is everywhere.

Well yes, there are still more projects that are worth taking a look at. On this page you will find miscellaneous content.

Every here and there I do remixes when asked to. Also there are special releases I did once for different purposes.


Art Installation: Creator

Creator is a collaboration of Konrad Franz and LIN/LOG. Konrad came up with the idea making an exhibition of specific sculptures he made dealing with the subject “the human process of creation”. It is not only about today but also about future processes of how humans create. It is an inversed perspective of the artist looking at the process of art being made. My task was to design an audible environment that reflects and expands Konrad’s intentions. So I created a self-playing patch with my portable modular system that was developing over a long period. It contains many evolving sound sources and pseudo random events which makes it a very dynamic experience, especially because it was performed as a quadrophonic setup. What you hear are five cutouts from a period of four hours. I have recorded the sound directly from the modular but also the environment inside the defiled church, where the exhibition took place.

Art Installation: Was wir schon immer wollten

“Was wir schon immer wollten” ist eine Audio-Installation, bei der diversen Personen gesellschaftliche Fragen gestellt wurden. Die Antworten werden über mein Modularsystem nach einem Zufallsprinzip abgespielt und unterbrochen. Es ergeben sich immer neue Zusammenhänge aus dem Gesagten und den mitschwingenden Untertönen.
Präsentiert wird die Installation quadrophonisch in ausgesuchten Locations.

Collaboration with Thomas Breuer

Rohkost (i.e. German for „uncooked vegetarian food“) is the first approach of the Breuer x Burkhardt collaboration. Naming of the pieces is based on the average value of the measured frequency each track contains. Artwork by Thomas Breuer. Mastering by Thomas Burkhardt.


This remix is part of the fantastic new album “Turnbulls” by Turnbulls.

This remix was done for Hidden Institute in 2011.

Flame Talking Synth for One Instrument

One Instrument is a project run by Aimée Portioli where artists participate by creating a track using only one instrument or sound device. So I made a track playing the Flame Talking Synth module which in my opinion is a very interesting tool to generate voice-like sounds and other cool stuff.

5th Anniversary Special (+Free Download)

LIN/LOG is celebrating its 5th anniversary! And for this special date we invited some very special friends, too. This record contains two pounding tracks that mainly were made using the Furthrrrr Generator and Terminal modules. Each track was recorded in one take to provide the full Eurorack modular experience LIN/LOG stands for.

You can choose from two limited editions:

5th Anniversary 7″ marbled grey (edition of 100)
5th Anniversary 7″ marbled red (edition of 100)

And for all supporters of LIN/LOG we want to thank you with a free download of 5th Anniversary!

Unreleased Works

A collection of self determined patches.